by Team Frenalytics | July 22, 2021
New York-based cognitive therapy and personalized learning software Frenalytics welcomed an additional student to its Summer Intern Program and hired a veteran intern, becoming the first student to graduate from the program into a more permanent position with the company.
John LaCava, BC ’23 joined the Frenalytics Intern Team as a mobile developer in July 2020, working primarily on a Frenalytics Mobile app written using the Flutter SDK, a popular cross-platform framework sponsored by Google and used by over half a million developers monthly. “When John first joined the intern team last summer, he showed a level of grit and enthusiasm – since day 1 – that I knew would make him an excellent longtime member of our team,” remarked Matt Giovanniello, CEO and co-founder of Frenalytics.
John’s new position as Software Developer will allow him not only to continue working on the Frenalytics Mobile app set to be released later this summer, but also play a key role in the Frenalytics-IEP&Me partnership announced earlier this month. His growing experience in Flutter will support an integration between FrenalyticsEDU and IEP&Me’s software, where outcomes from learning modules and individualized education plan (IEP) goals can be synced between the two systems to yield an unprecedented level of access into each student’s IEP.
In addition, prior to John’s hire, Frenalytics welcomed Aidan Said, BC ’24 as the newest member of the Summer Intern Team. With interests in sales & marketing and business development, Aidan will continue the Teacher Feature series that began earlier this year, starting with highlights of teachers Michaela Duranti at Quad Prep in Manhattan, NY and Jen Gentile at Escondido High School in Escondido, CA.
Rethink Cognitive Therapy with Frenalytics™ – signup for a free trial, or call (516) 399-7170 to learn more.
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