Our Philosophy
Frenalytics provides an individualized treatment program to improve a patient’s quality of life, rather than a generic one, because no two patients should be treated alike.
Our Research
Our Research & Development efforts span over a decade, since the inception of the first version of Frenalytics in 2008. Here’s what we’ve published since then:
Patent US13/681,871
The founders of Think Group Holdings were awarded a United States Patent in 2016 for a unique approach to rehabilitation driven by computer algorithms to determine a patient’s condition and personalized datasets to help improve outcomes.
Here’s what we found:
• Existing options for rehabilitation did not leverage 21st-century technologies available to brain-injured patients and their care teams;
• Our proposed approach to rehabilitation, which digitizes established neurological tests to evaluate a patient’s condition, renders a determination based on the a patient’s condition, and generates a therapy protocol utilizing personalized datasets from a patient’s care team, is unique and merititious;
• Our web-based solution allows patients to access affordable therapy
regardless of where they receive care, who assists in their treatment, or what physical condition they are in.
Intel Science Talent Search
In 2014, CEO Matt was named a national semifinalist for his research involving the severity of brain injuries and an individualized approach to neurological rehabilitation that utilizes data provided by a patient’s family members.
Here’s what we found:
• Worldwide, over 5 million people worldwide are permanently disabled by strokes, and over 7.7 million people suffer from dementia, annually;
• Our proposed computer program, which incorporates the Mini Mental Status Exam, can evaluate the extent of a patient’s brain injury and offer a determination (informal diagnosis);
• Based on a patient’s diagnosis, our computer program can render an individualized treatment program to reteach fundamental concepts and help improve a patient’s quality of life.