by Team Frenalytics | November 30, 2023
NEW YORK, NY, November 30, 2023 –– Frenalytics, the patented personalized learning and data collection software for students with unique learning needs, has announced a partnership with the Region 8 Education Service Center (ESC) via The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS).

TIPS Logo Credit: TIPS
The Interlocal Purchasing System, better known as TIPS Purchasing Cooperative, began in 2002 as a small regional cooperative of the Region 8 Education Service Center. While the cooperative has far exceeded the initial vision, Region 8 ESC has maintained its role as the Lead Agency for what is now a national operation.
Region 8 ESC is one of 20 Regional Education Service Centers within Texas which assists school districts in improving student performance and increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of school operations.
The TIPS membership exceeds 11,000 government agencies with 80% of them being education institutions. This will allow Frenalytics access to over 8,000 school districts and Education Service Centers nationwide.
“FrenalyticsEDU continues to align with significant school districts in Texas and the Southwest. We are very excited to kick off this relationship with these great organizations,” stated Matt Giovanniello, CEO and co-founder of Frenalytics.

Region 8 ESC Logo Credit: ESC8
In addition to Region 8 ESC, Frenalytics has been awarded several lucrative contracts including, but not limited to, New York City Department of Education, Houston Independent School District, Richardson Independent School District in Texas, Joshua Independent School District in Texas, and a special pilot program with the Los Angeles Unified School District.
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